Camden Clean Air is working with schools to organise and execute Sustainability Career Fairs as well as provide work experience opportunities to pupils.
We believe that the world of sustainability and Greentech is an emerging industry that is rapidly growing and can offer vast opportunity for the young people of today. For this reason, we want to assist Camden schools in making the connections to these businesses.
Firstly, we aim to inspire pupils to explore careers in this sector by demonstrating the excitement and importance that surround it, as it may be a sector they have never considered before. Secondly, we aim to educate pupils about the actual jobs that exist, and the vast range of skills that can be applied to these. They will learn about the type of work that is being done in this industry and why it is so important. Finally, we look to facilitate the engagement between the school and business. We will assist with the next steps associated with a careers day such as providing follow-up information around the opportunities available and how the pupils should begin to approach these.
We aim to replicate this model to as many schools in Camden as possible but will adapt each time to ensure we are meeting the school’s induvial needs. The above could take the form of a Career’s Day, a Career’s Evening, or a whole week of work experience. We aim to bridge the gap between schools and businesses to encourage the young people of Camden to engage with sustainability.
10 February 2022
STEAM Day at Acland Burghley
04 March 2022
Careers Fair at UCS Senior, open to multiple schools
21 April 2022
Sustainability Event at UCS Senior, open to multiple schools
Want to get involved?
Are you a school that would like us to help you organise a Sustainability Careers Fair? Or maybe you already have a Careers Fair planned but would like us to organise the Sustainability Zone. If so then email us at
We are also looking for businesses that see the value in engaging with the next generation of eco-conscious citizens. If you would like to attend any of our Career Fairs then email us at