Parklets Project

After many months of planning, we finally had our Parklet’s grand opening on the 28 June in Belsize Park! The aim of the Camden Clean Air Parklet is to create a space that is dedicated to our community and improving the air we breathe.

What is a Parklet?

A Parklet is a car parking space that is converted into a community space for something more environment or community focused such as bike racks, seating areas, or green space. We are aiming to increase the number of Parklets in the Borough.


We believe an increase in Parklets on our streets will lead to increased active travel, a greater reduction in vehicle emissions, benefits to local businesses, and increased space that is there for the community to enjoy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are working from home, reducing their general travel, and choosing instead to enjoy their local environment. This has seen a rise in cycling and walking, and London needs to adapt to this change.


Camden Clean Air was selected along with two other organisations in the Borough to develop and install a trial Parklet.

It will now be in place for 12 months.


If the council think the trial has been successful, they may consider introducing a Camden Parklet Scheme, providing the community with a process to apply for Parklets.


Feel free to drop by to enjoy this Parklet!

It was designed by Levene Landscapes who was kind enough to help us with our design throughout the process as well as planting our beautiful plants, dedicating his extra time to ensure our vision was brought to life. Then, manufactured and installed by ‘Doing R Bit’ using sustainably sourced materials looking to Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle and Re-Balance their impact on the environment.

Last but not least, it was paid for via sponsorship from Lime bike and grants by Camden Climate Fund and Camden Giving. We are so grateful that this is supported by Camden Council who have worked closely with us for the duration of the project and gave approval.